When did ARod become the Britney Spears of baseball? Is anyone else sick of all the ARod talk? Is there any truth to the rumor that the new MLB Network will be called the ARod Network?
Enough already, please. The guy took steroids, we get it. The guy fools around with strippers and old, has-been singer hags - it's what athletes and rock stars do. The guy sun bathes in Central Park - so? Enough! Go find Lindsey Lohan, Paris Hilton or some other talentless hack. The Mick should thank God he didn't live in a time of mass media and internet.
I'm not condoning his actions at all - personally, I feel anyone caught doing steroids should be banned from any Hall of Fame consideration. I just don't want to hear it all day, everyday, on the sports radio. There has got to be something else to talk about. I'd rather listen to how the economy is affecting baseball and what the teams are planning to do about. Take Oakland for instance - they have $2 seats and $1 hotdogs for every Wednesday game this year, including Sox and Yanks.
Anyway, my wife thinks I've always been an ARod apologist. She may be right, but I always found myself pulling for the guy, hoping he'd do well for my team. I still think back to the infamous "Ha" incident in Toronto which he caught a lot of flack. If the immortal Derek Jeter did that, he would have been called a genius, win at all costs gamer and the heavens would have opened up and the angels would have sang, etc, etc. What really appalled me was the gutless, that's right, I said "gutless" act of Joe Torre not defending ARod for his actions. What Padre Joe, to quote Michael Kay, probably didn't realize was, the Yanks had the best record in baseball from that game on after Joe got his team off to another listless start. So, yeah, I've been an ARod apologist, but I must admit, this year will be pretty tough. I'm not sure I can even stomach it anymore.
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